Monday, May 18, 2009


February started out with a 'Girls Night'. I met Rie and Lisa for wine at an actual wine bar called, "Pub Jack", in Gyotoku. First, we went for dinner to a Hiroshima style okonomiyaki restaurant. It was different, but good.

After dinner, we went to the wine bar and left the place with purple lips. Needless to say, I woke up with a headache the next day that could almost kill a person. I haven't been wine-drunk since.

It was nice to get to know a couple of new girls... We were chatty and talked about boys. It was great fun!

As part of Jeremy's Christmas present, I bought him tickets to Coldplay, one of his top three favorite bands. He was very excited, and this concert was AWESOME! It was up in Saitama, Jeremy's old playground (from his first trip to Japan), and the concert arena was great. We were up in the nosebleeds, but still had a great view of everything, and they really knew how to put on a great show.

The band played for a couple of hours and played all but one of Jeremy's 'favorite' songs. I think it comes in a close second for the Green Day concert I went to a few years back with Cari. That was an AMAZING show!

Also in February, I went to a beer festival in Asakusa, with the folks below (Lisa, Josh, Rie, and John) It was like $30, and they gave you 10 tickets and a glass. We could try 10 different beers. In Japan, the typical lineup is Asahi Super Dry, Kirin, and usually one other that tastes about the same as the other two... However, at this festival, we got to try locally brewed micro's that were great. It was like a taste of home.

We had a good time.

After the beerfest, we went to Ocean Deep to watch John perform with his band. The night before beerfest was full of excitement as well. It's the night where Jeremy and I joined Marta and Cody for dinner to celebrate their Birthdays and whatnot, we ended up going to Karaoke and then to Eurohouse, and on the way home, Jeremy found out a guy he used to teach had just committed suicide. On top of that, Marta crashed on her bike in some gravel and really tore up her knee, but didn't want to go to the doctor and didn't have any medicine... so I had to hike it up to 7Eleven and then play doctor. She was very grateful, and 3 months later I hear it has healed nicely.

Meghan planned a surprise Birthday party for Marta on one of the weekends. I went with them, and then Lisa came later. The next morning we were getting up at like 5am to go snowboarding in Gunma with Kyoko and her big group of people. However, knowing that, we still drank too much and traveled to Gunma with hangovers.

Gunma was a lot of fun. I wish I hadn't been so stupid in drinking so much, but I did and so I didn't get to enjoy the trip as much as I could have. However, the hotel was amazing, the food delicious, and the company was very friendly. We had a drinking party one night after dinner, which resulted in this fashion show of sorts...

John, Lisa, and Josh joined Jeremy and I with Kyoko, Tadahiro and many of their friends.

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